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Amazing Albert The Hero! is a rhyming story about bravery, friendship and potty training!
Released in August 2023 it was written by Juli Frances Taylor & Adam Ball, and illustrated by Paul Carlon.

In his imagination, Albert rescues and saves; he fights crime and fierce creatures; he even flies into Space!
Albert is a secret Hero!
But sometimes real life gets in the way of play and Albert forgets to use the potty… leading to unheroic accidents!
Follow little Albert through his adventures as he discovers just how useful his potty can be!

Supported by ERIC; The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity, Amazing Albert The Hero and his Power Potty sidekick could be just what you’re looking for when it’s time for YOUR little Hero to start toilet training.

Find the book on Amazon or in bookshops.

Amazing Albert The Hero!